A review by showarst
Dirty Daddies Pride 2022 by Dakota Trace, M.A. Innes, Jacki James, Aster Rae, Chara Croft, Kelly Fox, Della Cain, Reese Morrison, Delia Grace, Daryl Banner, Maren Smith, Chloe Lynn Ellis, Nora Phoenix, Emma Alcott, Rayanna Jamison, Siobhan Smile, P.D. Carter, Lorelei M. Hart, Susan Hawke, Pepper North, Morticia Knight, Lesley Clark, Gianni Holmes, Jamie Merrick, Sammi Cee, Mika Lane, K.M. Neuhold, Ava Sinclair, Mia Monroe


1. Glut by Gianni Holmes
4 out of 5 stars

I received an ARC of this short story from Gianni Holmes. I really liked Riley and Blake as a couple. I felt like they complemented each other well. Riley needed someone who would love him and not try to change him. Blake needed someone to care for. I will be honest and say that some of the kinks are not for me (gangbanging, sharing), but I kept an open mind and was pleasantly surprised by the relationship that Gianni was able to cultivate in such a short time. There were lots of unanswered questions at the end, but she is looking to expand this into a full novel, so I know all of those will be answered in the future. The endearments "Little Butterfly" and others were so sweet, and I did like the suckling kink. I will be interested to see this as a full novel as there is so much potential in this relationship.

2. The Daddy Upgrade by Chara Croft
5 out of 5 stars

I received an ARC of this short story from Chara Croft. Oh goodness....this was the perfect Daddy/little story for me. Ollie and Yves know each other from work. Ollie is a barista and Yves comes in often since his business is the the same building. Yves was attracted to Ollie but was in a relationship during most of the time, so he never acted upon his attraction. Plus he was looking for a boy not just someone to date. After a chance encounter in the Orlando airport where Yves witnesses Ollie's current "boyfriend" degrade, humiliate, and dump him, he steps in and offers to be the Daddy that Ollie so desperately needs and wants. Ollie tugged at my heartstrings. He only wanted someone to love him, care for him, and keep him. I just wanted to give him a big hug. The whole story just was a perfect set-up for their relationship. Both were exactly what the other needed. Chara was able to insert the right amount of sweetness and sexiness in this story. I would not be opposed to seeing more of Ollie and Daddy Yves in the future.
"I would have to make him mine, because I was, quite firmly and completely, already his." -Daddy Yves

3. A Dino Nuggets Kind of Date by M.A. Innes
4 out of 5 stars

I received an ARC from Shaw Montgomery for my honest review.

Readers of Innes’ “Kind of Day” series will recognize Loki and Tony from Skylar’s coffee shop. These two have had a contentious relationship since a really bad date. Loki (aka Hunter) is embarrassed that he was unable to let go and enjoy the date due to his hidden kinks, so he snarks at Tony during their coffee shop interactions. Tony (aka Robyn) cannot remember Loki’s real name but he blames himself for the end of the date and his inability to read Loki—especially since he is a Daddy. With interference from Skylar and Remy, these two learn that they are looking for the exact same thing. This was just a sweet, sweet story and I enjoyed seeing these two open up to see how perfect they are for each other. It was interesting to watch Robyn figure out what Hunter needed and provide it for him. A great addition to the series!

4. Daddy's Toy by K.M. Neuhold
4.5 out of 5 stars

I really enjoyed this story about Robbie, a successful business owner, and Nate, an online content maker for Playmates. Daddy Nate and Robbie are roommates, but they both want so much more. I was a little confused as to how they became roommates since they are both very successful and well-off, but it was a minor plot point. The relationship has been building for years and it was so sweet to see them become more than just roommates and friends.

5. The Sheriff's Troublemaker by Kelly Fox
3 out of 5 stars

Jason Jennings has been struggling since coming out to his parents. He and his brother Justin have been self-destructing. Jason keeps trying to gain the attention of Sheriff Patrick by trying to get arrested. He wants to be disciplined and cared for. I really felt for the Jennings brothers and didn't like how the town just watched them and judged them. I also didn't really care for Sheriff Daddy Patrick. Honestly, I felt like he jerked Jason around a lot. Very hot and cold. Then when something finally happened, he ignored Jason (while watching Jason fall apart from the sidelines) due to worrying about his job. I just didn't feel like he gave enough consideration for Jason's needs.

6. Far from Paradise by Daryl Banner
3.5 out of 5 stars

This was a very sweet story about Seany, a boy running from an abusive homelife, and Cooper, an older bar owner. I did really like these two, but it felt very superficial. I know it's a short story and there is a word count to consider, but there seemed to be a lot of untold story here. I really liked the characters and would have enjoyed seeing their story fleshed out a little more.

7. Daddy's Bliss by Ava Sinclair
5 out of 5 stars

I don't read a lot of FF, but man this was phenomenal! I loved Bliss and how we felt her pain from the moment she was introduced. The way she and Tandy came together felt natural and organic. I loved how Tandy was a Daddy and wanted to take care of Bliss. Bliss' backstory was heartbreaking. I could not put this down. It was perfect.

8. Cruising For a Daddy by Jacki James
3.5 out of 5 stars

The idea of a Daddy/boy cruise was a great one. I just didn't get a lot of emotional connection from Adam and Ollie. I wonder if we will see Casey in the future.

9. Bite Me, Daddy by Mia Monroe
3.5 out of 5 stars

Scout has been attracted to his new boss, Sebastian, for several months. While working on a project together, Scout finds out Sebastian's secret. I loved this addition to Mia Monroe's Covens of Eaton Falls. I haven's had a chance to read her other books yet, but I am anxious to now after reading this short story. I liked the supernatural aspects of the story and the epilogue was perfect.

10. Becoming Nicky's Daddy by Reese Morrison
4.5 out of 5 stars

I adore Reese's stories because they always give me something that I've usually not read before. We have Mars, a butch lesbian furniture builder, and Nicky, an NB bookstore owner who's looking for a Daddy. Mars and Nicky have a great friendship with Mars mentoring Nicky in the nitty gritty of being a business owner. Mars feels more for Nicky, but is resistant to pursue them because she thinks she doesn't have the right parts. I absolutely loved how these two moved their friendship into the perfect relationship for them. It was pretty steamy as well. I'm not sure how Reese was able to cram in so much character/relationship development into such a short story, but I loved every moment of it.

11. Dante's Daddy by Maren Smith
2 out of 5 stars

This was not my favorite. I wasn't really feeling the main character who was engaged and getting married in two weeks to hide his sexuality. Then we have Master Campbell who was grieving his boyfriend/submissive's death for over 4 years. He is assigned to Dante and in a matter of moments goes from not being able to be his Daddy to wanting to be his permanent Daddy. I got whiplash. Then there was no real resolution at the end. Is he going to continue working at the Castle? Are they going to make a relationship work? It felt incomplete.

12. Not a Bad Boy by Morticia Knight
4 out of 5 stars

Tyler is an unusual boy covered in tattoos and piercings. He feels like no Daddy will ever want him. Rafe proves him wrong. I really loved these two together. They proved that you shouldn't judge someone on how they look.

13. Surprising Their Secretary (MMF) by Jamie Merrick
2.5 out of 5 stars

This was fine. There wasn't enough emotional connection for me. Jordan had been working for married men Shaun and Dylan for awhile unaware that they had been looking for their third, a Little girl. Upon meeting at a munch, they embark upon a relationship together. I didn't really know enough about all of these characters. Not even what they looked like. Why were they drawn to Jordan? Besides the fact that she was a great secretary. Just not for me.

14. Daddy Material by Emma Alcott
4 out of 5 stars

Aiden is going to be living with his father's best friend while attending college. One of my biggest questions about this story is if this is his father's best friend, how have they never met or even seen pictures of each other? Also, I would not be okay with my potential boyfriend texting my dad a play-by-play of my attempted seductions. I mean, I do appreciate that he was honest with the father, but actually texting him while Aiden was trying to flirt? Nah. I did really like the epilogue and the focus on the stain in the bedroom. That was really sweet.

15. Austin's Unexpected Little by Siobhan Smile
4.5 out of 5 stars

I think if I've learned anything from this anthology it's that I need to read more FF fiction. This was another great story. I loved Daddy Austin and her pursuit of shy older Constance. It was sweet and steamy- a perfect combination.

16. Wanted: Hot Daddy by Sammi Cee
4 out of 5 stars

Bratty Hayden has made life difficult for the other boys at The Tap Tavern. He hides behind his brattiness and attitude. Daddy Waylon is able to see beneath that to the boy underneath. This was an enjoyable addition to the Fragile Hearts series. I really liked seeing how Waylon helped Hayden blossom and the ending was perfect. I also adored the nickname that he gave Hayden. Looking forward to more of this series.

17. Daddy's Gachapon Boy by Della Cain
4.5 out of 5 stars

I loved this one so much. Another installment in the Collard series. Monroe is looking for a different kind of boy and Jax doesn't even know that he is needs a Daddy. I loved the nickname that Monroe gave him. I actually had to look up what Gachapon meant, but I loved the uniqueness of it. I could have easily read more of these two.

18. Three Daddies (MMMF) by Mika Lane
2 out of 5 stars

This was just not for me. Lexi is portrayed as this perfect woman in looks and every man wants her. That's hard to relate to. Plus, I think it's hard in a short story to build a polyam relationship like this. I know nothing about these people but that they are gorgeous, rich, and successful. The sex scenes are hot, but I didn't see a lasting foundation.

19. Opal by Lesley Clark
3.5 out of 5 stars

This was a new author for me. It seems to be part of a Mafia-themed series. I enjoyed Frankie and Mario and would be interested to read more of them in the future. It end with a HFN with no resolution on one of the plot points. Apparently, that plot point will be addressed in a future book.

20. Tucking In by P.D. Carter
3 out of 5 stars

Tucker is heading home after his estranged best friend's death to attend his funeral. He and Alex had been best friends until Tucker admitted he was gay. Alex kicked him out of his home, life, and town. He also has to face Alex's big brother, BJ, who Tucker has always had a crush on. I did like the plot and the characters. Alex was way harsh to both his brother and Tucker and it's sad that he died before being able to make amends. I think this is a story that could have used just a little bit more. There were so many emotions and I would have liked to have read more about all of these characters.

21. Dani's Dominant Daddy by Delia Grace
2.5 out of 5 stars

This was a fine story. I didn't feel much of a connection between Dani and Katherine. The Daddy/LG relationship was strange. I felt for Dani as she was trying to balance so much as a single mother to Tyler.

22. His Second Chance Daddy by Lorelei Hart
4 out of 5 stars

A very sweet story about high school sweethearts who reunite after 30+ years. Andre and Penn drifted apart when they went to college. Penn got married, had children and grandchildren, and became a widower. He meets Andre again at a local college fair. It was just a sweet reconnection story where these two men who loved each other found each other again. Loved it. I'm not sure I would classify it as Daddy kink- maybe Daddy-kink lite. It was barely there more implied, but I actually didn't mind.

23. Cuddly Mafia Daddy by Aster Rae
2 out of 5 stars

Instalove and over the top sex/declarations/metaphors are not really my thing. I always love the ideas and blurbs, but I am definitely a person who needs more emotional connection and romance in a story.

24. Codename:Omega by Dakota Trace
3.5 out of 5 stars

I feel like there was a lot of background info I didn’t have—for instance the Sanctuary Little program, but I did really enjoy Angel and Giles. They seemed to complement each other well. I do wish we could have seen what happened when Angel went home. I’m interested to see more of this world.

25. Breaking and Entering (MMF) by Chloe Lynn Elliz
2 out of 5 stars

I just think maybe MMF is not my thing. I didn’t like Allison at all. I didn’t enjoy her manipulations and the way she treated Jason. I did like Jason and Victor though. I think others would like this more than me. It was very well written.

26. Daddy's Guarding by Pepper North
2.5 out of 5 stars

I don’t think I’ve ever read a Pepper North book, but it was okay. Alan gets a job working at Edgewood Towers and meets Pete. It’s almost instalove as the relationship happens at the speed of light. Also, how did Pete know that Alan was a Little? I didn’t understand that part.

27. Perfect Daddy at Fifty-One by Nora Phoenix
4.5 out of 5 stars

I loved the duology that this story came from, so this was a winner for me. I was excited to see Leif and Daddy Frank’s story. It was short and sweet and the ending was perfect. Though I do wish we had gotten to see Leif’s reaction to what Frank had planned.

This was a very enjoyable anthology!! ❤️