A review by bookishrealm
LaGuardia by Nnedi Okorafor


Listen Nnedi Okorafor has been doing some big things in the comic book world that I greatly appreciate. I've seen a few people in the community pick this one up so I naturally couldn't resist getting my hands on it.

LaGuardia is an interesting look at oppressive systems that exist in our current world but told within a narrative of the future world. These oppressive systems are then passed on to aliens as more humans become weary of their abilities; although, a great portion of humans have welcomed them in and work and live with them, side by side. At first, I thought that the narrative was going to be heavy handed to capture both the oppressive systems associated with our present time and then those associated with humans and aliens in the near future. However, part of me can't help but to think that the world "alien" is some double entendre utilized to capture polices that exists in 2021 but in a science-fiction setting. My analysis of this could be completely off base, but either way this comic book is a great example of issues that plague our more contemporary society. The story focuses on and follows pregnant Future as she leaves Nigeria with an illegal alien plant named Let Me Live to travel back to the United States to seek refuge with her grandmother. The story itself is dynamic which is, of course, no surprise. The writing and the artwork worked and flowed well together. While this may seem like a strange analysis, it is extremely import for the art of a comic and the narrative to seamlessly work together to create a bigger picture. And the artwork was beautiful. The illustrator did an excellent job showcasing the futuristic look of the world as well as the characters (both humans and aliens). Bright colors made the story itself aesthetically appealing to the eye. There was strong character development and by the end, I was shocked to learn of the secrets both Citizen and Future carried and what it meant for their unborn child. Okorafor never fails to impress me with her brilliance. Because this is categorized as a mini-series, I highly doubt we'll get more from this particularly comic story arc; however, I saw another reviewer state that this is connected to Lagoon so I'm looking forward to reading that book. If you haven't read this comic book series yet I would definitely recommend giving it a try.