A review by theresidentbookworm
Full Circle by Mona Ingram


Everything reads a little differently when you’re reading it at 3 AM. I’m not sure Full Circle would be a four star read in the daylight, but after 3 AM and a crappy new adult romance novel before it, this was so good.

I still had the anger from reading Falling Into Infinity in my head, and I happily noted every time this novel triumphed where Falling Into Infinity failed. For a romance novel, I liked that Full Circle was intensely a slow-burn story. This might drive some readers crazy, but as a heavy fanfiction writer I am so into it. I liked that it spent time on building Bella as a character and creating her world before it ever brought romance into the picture. I like how you saw her business grow. I like how you saw her and Rafael become partners and then close friends. I like how you could tell the entire time that these two people should be together.

At one point, the novel veers into soap opera territory, and I was so upset because it had been so good to that point. Of course, I shouldn’t have doubted Full Circle. They quickly and painlessly deal with it. Everyone in Full Circle behaves like a human. They act like real people and respond like real people, not romance novel characters. I also loved that Bella and Rafael were always equals on an equal level.

My biggest complaint of Full Circle is that I wish it was longer. I wish it lingered in certain plot points and character beats, but overall it was a great palate cleanser from Falling Into Infinity. Recommended if you need a good romance novel that won’t drive you insane with toxic tropes!