A review by rgrigsby80
The Detective by Jonathan L. Howard


I enjoyed this one even more than [b:Johannes Cabal The Necromancer|5750628|Johannes Cabal The Necromancer (Johannes Cabal, #1)|Jonathan L. Howard|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1442673488s/5750628.jpg|3565583], the first book in the series. Both books made me laugh out loud on numerous occasions (any time the author described Cabal's failed attempts at normal human socialization - like smiling at children - I cackled) and I thought this one did a good job of developing the character of Cabal even more, including letting one or two teeny tiny bits of humanity peek out from beneath his amoral, anithero shell (don't get me wrong, he's still a terrible, terrible person, but man, is he fun to read about). 4.5 stars.