A review by megray1126
When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi


Everyone wonders what their future will bring and death is the only thing we can say for certain. Whether you are young or old, death is a fact of life. This book is a MUST READ for those interested in working in the medical field. As a future nurse, it is important for me to know and be able to understand to my best ability what others may be experiencing when they are facing death.

Starting as early as his undergraduate studies, Kalanithi has always been curious about death and what it means to live a meaningful life. His career as a neurosurgeon is brusquely interrupted by the news of lung cancer. His understanding of a meaningful life begins to change as his body begins to change with his illness. Kalanithi's memoir beautifully explores the mystery of death and what it means to be dying. I, for one, truly appreciate his memory that he left behind.