A review by simsbrarian
Artemis the Loyal by Joan Holub, Suzanne Williams


Both enjoyed it and was kinda bummed with it.

*SPOILERS* Really enjoyed reading about dog-lover and great archer: Artemis again. Enjoyed delving more into the relationship with her twin brother Apollo. LOVED that Artemis was fighting for the right of the girls at MOA to either join the Olympics or be able to start their OWN girls-only Olympics. HATED that we didn't get to SEE these girl-Olympics and only get a "yeah, Zeus says it can happen" bit at the VERY tail end of the book...and only THAT Because her brother got all the godboys in his dorm to sign her petition to start the games. (Because obviously having half the population sign it doesn't matter if that half is all the females. Rings FAR too much like the politics of the day right now...) Disappointing when I was hoping to see more of her awesome athleticism and perhaps explore the abilities of other goddess girls.