A review by duke_and_turk
It Takes a Village: Picture Book by Hillary Rodham Clinton


You can explore the idea of community and belonging and all that good stuff and make it into a beautifully packaged book, simple and well-illustrated, for kids of all ages, ala "All the World" (Scanlon) or "Peace" (Halperin). However, I was disappointed at the utter lack of substance in this book. It's only leg to stand on is Frazee's beautiful illustrations. This feels like a product rushed to cash in on 2017's political climate. Many books have clearly been published with this demand in mind but it should have the thoughtfulness and substance to have long lasting appeal. For example, "She Persisted," is "cashing in"/"meeting a demand." It's intended audience will pick up the book based on the title but will read it and find lovely illustrated vignettes of many women, some all-stars of school history lessons and others who are not as well-known. I feel that with "It Takes a Village" you are simply paying for a book cover.