A review by ashurq
Ever the Hunted by Erin Summerill


I honestly can't even with this book. The characters were SO BORING. Think of the most generic special snowflake female protagonist = the protagonist of this book. Think of the most generic super good-looking male love interest = the love interest of this book. The premise of the book sounded so interesting too! There was going to be conflict because her ex-best friend who she's had a crush on forever is suspected of having murdered her father and she's the only one who can find him! In reality, the book was just "I'm on a horse. Oh, I found the guy. Oh, I can tell when people are lying and so I know he didn't kill my dad. Oh, he's so handsome and still smells good even though we've been riding a horse for 50 days in a row. Oh, I need to save the kingdom now that I know I'm a special snowflake. Oh, but he really is handsome and really does smell good." That was basically the whole story so now you don't have to read it. You're welcome. In the grand scheme of things, the romance/relationship should have taken a backseat to the rest of the plot. Instead, it's shoved in our faces at every turn. Not a fan. I'm honestly surprised I didn't DNF it.

Note: I received this book free from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.