A review by reader44ever
Pride's Spell by Matt Wallace


I have so much love for this series. :-)

For my review, can I just say. . . Page 214: "It's the God Puppy." :-)

No? Okay, I'll share more. . .

In this outing, Sin du Jour was hired to cater a movie premiere event in Hollywood. Only Bronko (!!!), Lena, Darren, Nikki, Jett, Pacific, and Mr. Mirabel went though. The rest of the line stayed in New York and catered
Spoiler TaurusCon (an event for centaurs and minotaurs! [!!!]).
. :-)

Naturally, things went out of control for both groups. :-)

In New York,
SpoilerRollo had a centaur shit on him!
(!!!) *hehehe*

And in Hollywood, the movie's producers had a special "treat" for our team in the after-after-party.
SpoilerBut their plans were foiled first by Jett (!!!), and then by Ramiel and "the God Puppy."

Special appearances in this book included not just the Easter Bunny, but
Spoileralso a skeletal flaming pumpkin-man, Cupid, Santa Claus and his elves, and the Devil.
(!!!) :-)

Most of the aforementioned beings were after Stocking and Receiving and the line in New York. The latter being put in an appearance in L.A., after
Spoilerthe Oexial demons' plan to burn Bronko, et.al., was foiled by Jett. I don't remember when Ramiel appeared (I think it was after Jett successfully stopped the flames), but I'm pretty sure it was before the Devil arrived. And after the Devil arrived, there was a pitter-patter of little feet and the God Puppy made his appearance.

I wonder if
Spoilerthe Oexial demons will try again to get revenge for the death of their elder, Astaroth, or if this reappearance of the God Puppy put paid to those efforts?
? I guess I'll have to read more books to find out. ;-)

In the end, Lena
Spoilerwas in her hotel room in Hollywood. Darren visited and the two of them reconciled. Then Darren left. But another knock sounded on Lena's door. Darren again?

No, it was Ritter. And. . .
Lena nods.
She nods several seconds longer than she normally would.
When she finally stops she says, "Oh, fuck it."
She reaches up and tangles her fingers in his hair with one hand, pulling his face down to hers and kissing his mouth full on.
Genuine surprise slows Ritter's reaction.
He gets over it quickly.
A few moments later Lena sheds the robe she so demurely cinched when she opened the door.
In the morning they'll order breakfast up for just the two of them. [fin]

Oh! If you read my spoiler about the end to book #2, in this one,
SpoilerBronko started out in Hell. But a paperwork error was soon discovered and he was sent back to New York. Interestingly, Allensworth knew that Bronko would return to life. I'm beginning to think that Allensworth is not human. Is he a demon of some sort?
? I hope to find out in a future book. :-)

I am really just loving this series. :-)