A review by jnepal
Knots by Nuruddin Farah


The writing was choppy. If you've ever been in a boat on stormy waters...

So I decided, 30 pages in, that I was going to speed read. That helped. There is an adequate story underneath the writing and the author depicts some deep relational and emotional situations.

The narration was odd. The main character, Cambara, seemed to be unstable, just a tad. And it was difficult to enjoy her voice at times because of this emotional or mental instability. An odd character.

But I enjoyed getting a picture, however fictionalized it may have been, of the state of Somalia, and more specifically, Mogadishu.

But the writing was odd. Too many adjectives? Metaphors? Similes? I don't know. He used weird words to communicate the story in places. I need to read some of his other stuff.