A review by bookfever
Light a Candle for the Beast by Echo Shea


I really liked Light a Candle for the Beast. In fact, it's one of the best short stories I've read in a while and it made me want more. The reason I loved it so much was that it isn't only a Beauty and the Beast retelling but it also features Greek mythology, which happens to be one my favorite things ever.

Aside from it being a retelling and featuring Greek mythology I also liked it because it was a rather dark story. I love stories that are dark so this one was really something for me. This certainly isn't your typical Beauty and the Beast re-imagining. But that's what I loved about it.

Another thing I liked was the writing. It was really beautifully writting, in my opinion. That's what stood out to me the most, actually, when I started the book. I would've loved to read a full story in this world but even though it's a really short story, it didn't feel rushed at all. I thought it was really good as it was.

And also, the main character is a Naiad. How freaking cool is that? I've always wanted to read a story with a Naiad in the lead.