A review by merlin_reads
Monster in the Closet by Karen Rose


 So, having not read any of the other books in this series, I have come to the conclusion that every person in this book has either been kidnapped or shot - or both- sometimes multiple times. Which was completely unrealistic to me. But anyway...

I'm honestly not even sure where to start with this book. There were like 4 different plots that all intersected but were also different. There was the story of Jazzie, who after witnessing the murder of her mother, ends up in therapy with her younger sister only to end up being stalked by the killer. Where she ends up in therapy is where Taylor Dawson works. But Taylor isn't just an intern there to help kids, she's actually looking for her birth father who works at the therapy ranch as security. Only he thinks his daughters name is Sienna and he's been looking for her for over 20 years. Oh, and there's a love story involved.

See? Confusing.

There was just too much going on in this book for me to focus on just one thing and therefore I couldn't really get attached to anyone. The most interesting parts for me were with Jazzie, the little girl. She hadn't spoken since finding her mothers body and reading her POV just broke my heart. And everything just kept happening to her.

The love story lost me because it was very instalove. Literally the day Taylor and Ford meet, everyone finds out who she is and by that night, they already can't leave each others side. YOU JUST MET. Gah! It was just unbelievable and sappy to all hell.

Then there was the character of Gage - Jazzie's father and the villain of the story. First, he seems to be just straight evil but then toward the end the author has him questioning his actions. Ok, so you killed multiple people but now your questioning using little girls for ransom? Was this the author's way of trying to redeem him or make us feel anything but disgust for him? Whatever it did, it just made me want to not read any more.

If you're going to write a mystery/thriller - don't make it so convoluted that you can't keep characters straight. Also, multiple plot points are not needed and just make a mess.