A review by skylarkblue1
Fair Rosaline by Natasha Solomons

Did not finish book. Stopped at 56%.
I'll be honest, I was kinda liking this for a few chapters in the middle-ish but I don't think I can finish it.

I read this for bookclub, didn't manage to finish it in time for the meeting though so did get "spoilt". But in all honesty, all that was mentioned was just what I'd guess would happen anyway (except the nunnery stuff, which does sound genuinely interesting but I don't think I can get through the rest of it to read those parts). Not to mention that the blurb itself also spoils literally SO much, I've only just gotten to the last part of the blurb at 56%. The entire first half is setup like that's all a suprise and a mystery.

The writing as well is a massive sticking point for me. It's trying to write in a modern way, but also at the same time trying to be shakespearian.. And with the random quotes from the original play thrown in, it's just so jarring and has a pretty disconnected feeling. The quotes especially are just like... I get it but no lol.

If you read the blurb and know even the most basic outline of R&J, you already know what happens.