A review by mostraum
The Crystal Skull, by Manda Scott


I had no idea what I was getting into when I started this book. I bought it on a whim after reading about it on a blog last spring, and it’s been sitting on my Kindle ever since. But, I finally got around to it.

The book is alternating between telling Cedric Owen's story from the 1500-hundreds and Stella Cody's story from 2007.

I like Cedric's story the best. The time flavor of the 1500's is great and I like that his journey takes him to such places as Paris, Spain and the Mayan regions of Latin-America. Cedric is a man who grows as he goes along, and his story last for several decades. De Aguilar, sea-captain, sword-fighter and Cedric's Spanish sidekick is my favorite character of them all. I would love to see him as a movie characters, I think he could rival Captain Jack Sparrow.

I'm less thrilled with the 2007 story. It runs along too fast and reminds me a bit of Dan Brown. (I'm one of the people who never liked "The Da Vinci Code" and "Angels & Demons", I always felt that they were too rushed.) The way they're rushing through the events I never feel that I really get to know Stella, and even less her husband Kit. It also annoys me that her training as an astro-physicist never seems important in the story. I feel she would be stronger character if her education had a more important role. Still, it's by no means bad.

The two storys work well together and more and more information gets revealed at appropriate times. There are also a few villains, and the author keeps us nicely confused about friends and foes.

Actually I was really happy with this book for a long time. But then it all broke down in the last few pages. It felt even more rushed than the rest of the 2007 story, it was chaotic and too abrupt.It left me wanting something more, more of a closure I guess.

This is the second "The-world-will-end-on-December-21st-2012"-book I've read. I liked this one a lot better than the other one (21/12 by Dustin Thomason - review in Norwegian).