A review by astosic011
Before Jamaica Lane by Samantha Young


3.5 Stars
I almost liked this one more than I did "On Dublin Street." Hmm... maybe I did. I have winter break between terms and needed a light and, yes, romantic read to pass the time and to get away from textbooks. I've had On Dublin Street on my shelf for a while but was hesitant to read it. When I did read it, it lead me to this find and I'm glad it did. I feel like this book has a protagonist, Liv, that many woman can relate to and then there is Nate...

In addition, the plot was sweet, sexy, and funny. I enjoyed the characters but, at times, it felt like there were too many characters that took away from the main characters. I loved the relationship between Liv and Nate and, while the sensual aspect of the book was prominent and well written, I had hoped that there would be more of the friendship we saw between them in the first few chapters. Overall, not my favorite book but I did pull an all nighter to finish it sooo...

If you are looking for a light read, with great characters, and lovely romance then pick this one up!

My rating seems discouraging but I find the 5 star system one of the most difficult aspects of reviewing books so don't take it to heart.