A review by raychulleigh
Eros & Thanatos: An Anthology of Death & Desire by Cassandra L. Thompson


Gosh, this anthology truly was a collection of fantastic short stories dealing in the intricacies of life, death, and desire, or even both!

Some of the stories were not as strong as others, but all quickly brought me in with a tale of love, loss, or heartbreak. I truly appreciated the variety, including LGBTQ+ romance, haunting ghost stories, strong female characters, and psychological twists. Two of the stories even evoked such strong emotions that I would sit with my thoughts for a day or two before continuing with the next chapter. From contemplating death in a way that isn't fearful, finding love weaved throughout eternity or even after death, and how there is nothing wrong with being content when alone, this anthology offers something for everyone.

I have eagerly suggested this book to several friends and look forward to reading more from these very talented authors.

**I received an advance review copy for free. All thoughts are my own, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.**