A review by hwebb88
Cunning Women by Elizabeth Lee


An historical fiction book with a witchy backstory.

Set in Lancashire 8 years after the Pendle witch trials this is a story of a poor family live in an old plague house just outside a village. Rumours of a devil child and curses surround the family and when the new magistrate arrives this brings a new fear to the family.

I really enjoyed the start of this book and then it just got a bit...boring. The ending picked up again but I just wanted more. The writing style was hard to follow at times and it all just became a bit of a fluffy love story.

Don’t get me wrong the ending pulled at my heart strings but it didn’t get the ending I wanted and felt the characters deserved.

If you are a fan of historical fiction then you should give it a try but for me I felt it was lacking something extra.

I received this book from Net Galley in return of an honest review.