A review by molassesbread
Superman: Red Son by Mark Millar


The first half of this comic is good. Millar writes a new perspective on Superman and the effect of nurture vs. nature and his starting out as a tool of politics and the state, rather than the vigilante we know. I wish we saw more of the culture Kal-El was raised in: the origin story of Ukrainian Clark Kent would be so cool! 

Millar beats the cliché "Evil Dictator Superman" plot to death in this comic, rehashing the Red Scare without any sort of interesting commentary to wash it down. Then it kind of goes completely off the rails in the final fourth. The ending almost made me regret picking this up, but it was such an example the kind of insane twists self-obsessed writers put in their work I couldn't help but to find it hilarious. Don't take the ending seriously.

Several of Lex Luthor's lines made me laugh out loud, so there's that.