A review by eesh25
Salvation by Sloane Kennedy


Ronan was engaged and very happy. He loved his fiance, Trace. Until a horrendous assault lead to Trace's death and left Ronan emotionally scarred. But the culprits were left unpunished despite the authorities knowing about them. Then a stranger helped Ronan get revenge, and he started an underground organisation that eliminates people who have committed horrible crimes but were not brought to justice.

That was six years ago and Ronan has pretty much closed himself off from emotional entanglements, even friendship. The only person connecting him to his past life is Trace's brother. Seth is 21 and he hasn't seen Ronan in three years, ever since Ronan found out that Seth was attracted to him. Of course, Ronan doesn't know it's much more than just attraction, and from the way Ronan left his life over a single, innocent kiss, he doesn't want to know. Nor does he seem interested.

Ronan comes back into Seth's life when he feels that someone might be trying to hurt Seth. Obviously, there are sparks and emotions flying all over the place. Both guys have been dealt some pretty bad hands in life but while Seth wants a chance at happiness with Ronan, Ronan is very closed off.

In fact, for most of the novel, he runs hot and cold all the time. One minute, he wants to be close to Seth, the other minute, he leaves. He won't open up to Seth, even though he knows that Seth would never try to hurt him. And I gotta say, Ronan's behavior frustrated me. I was firmly on Seth's side (even though there were technically no sides) because he's such a great guy and he's been through enough already. He doesn't deserve to be screwed with like this. But there was a moment that completely changed things for me.

Ronan always puts forth such a strong front that I didn't see how hurt he was. The things that happened to him and Trace were... there are no words. And it wasn't until that one moment that it made sense why he was hesitant, why he was afraid. I honestly felt so guilty for not understanding sooner.

But maybe that was the author's intention. Not the frustration and guilt part, but the shock and understanding that came with that moment. If it was, then it was done really well. This book does a great job of introducing two strong but vulnerable characters who are inexplicably linked because of how much they care for each other. It just takes them a while to find their way to understanding one another and realizing how much stronger they could be together.

M/M/M books aren't really my cup of tea so, to me, this was the start to the series. And it was a great start. Ronan is an important part of the series and this book established him very well. Definitely recommend reading this one. Though pay attention to the trigger warning before you do.