A review by littlefrye04
Battle and Betrayal by A.K. Michaels


What an amazing way to finish off the series. The book is well written, smooth flowing and easy to read. The imagery is so vivid you can picture every scene. The characters, their emotions and the experiences they go through are depicted extremely well. I felt so many emotions while reading this book. Happy, excited, amazed, frustrated, sad, angry, betrayed.

Living in a war ravaged world, The Black Rose has found her mate in Cassius Allarde, the Vampire King. He is trying to bring peace between species, eliminate rogues, and make the world a better place. After rescuing his mate from Hell and the King of Demons Basilus, Cassius knows the only way to protect Rose, is to eliminate Basilus. It will not be an easy fight, it will be an all out war.

In this book, you will find out who will stand with Cassius. Some want peace while others want chaos. Having a Chinese God in your corner is a good thing, but will it be enough. Will Rose get her happily ever after with Cassius? Will she live long enough to see the changes Cassius wants to implement? She is half witch, half wolf, assassin extradornaire, bringer of the ancient prophecy that led to the hunting and near extinction of witches.

I have absolutely loved this series. If you like witches/vampires/wolves/demons/gods/angels etc I highly recommend this book/series. The books do need to be read in order to truly understand what is going on.