A review by yassinelbadrawy
How to Make Friends with the Dark by Kathleen Glasgow


This book literally left me speechless. At the first 100 pages, I was seriously considering DNFing this book, because it was so repetitive and monotonous and it was so unbelievably slooowww. I'm glad I kept reading since it became so interesting and gripping halfway through that I couldn't put it down. It's a story of a teen attempting to cope with the death of her mother and how she deals with her grief. It teaches you not only about grieving the loss of a loved one at such a young age, but also about how minors are handled in America's foster care system. Throughout the book, the author continued emphasizing the gravity of the conditions in which so many children find themselves just to be able to live in loving homes. Despite the fact that the book dealt with a lot of hard subjects, it was nevertheless comforting and heartwarming. Although this book was less triggering than her last book, Girl In Pieces, it may still be triggering due to references of self-harm, abuse, suicide, and death.