A review by ania_star
Songs for Cricket by Terri E. Laine


Received from Silver Dagger Book Tours

Finley and her brothers and his brother's best friends are starting college and living together. Finley always dreamed of playing football but was never allowed. Now that she is away from home, she can finally try out and do what she always wanted. She likes Shepard but feels like that could never happen. He is always surrounded by girls and her brother is crazy overprotective.

Shepard lived with her family, because of a bad situation at home. He got into college on a football scholarship, but his passion lies in music. And likes Finley, a lot.

It such a sweet romance - I love that whole falling for your brother's best friends thing. :) And the writing is so addicting, you can't stop once you start. The story gets better with each chapter. The start was a bit slow, for me, but it gets a lot better. :))