A review by jennifervu
Goddess Interrupted by Aimée Carter


Just to clarify, three stars is "Liked it" which I most certainly did!

This sequel was good, even better than the prequel! This book was an easy read that left me yearning for more! But, there were glaring plot holes and mistakes that can't be ignored. Everything was going in the right direction but the plot, romance, and characters were so undeveloped.

So many important events were explained in a single sentence. You couldn't SEE what happened, you were told. Like Henry said, "We managed to trap him." (It was not said like that exactly but very similar) How did Henry manage to trap him? Things like that frustrated me and I was left questioning so many things. Plus, in the story, the characters jumped from one scene to the next without any explanation about how they got to the new setting.

Hmm... the romance. I'm kind of speechless right now, not in a good way. Let's see... there was so much room for improvement in the romance department. I felt that Henry and Kate were their own obstacles in their relationship. Henry was not forthcoming and Kate was too pushy. They really weren't a good couple. There wasn't any chemistry between them and I'm still confused WHY they love each other. Their relationship is more physical than emotional. They barely interact yet when they do, they automatically "tie the knot." A relationship should not subsist on sex. (There, I said it.) Throughout the entire book, Kate was complaining about how Henry wasn't touching her. I wanted to climb into the book and slap her across the country. No woman should ever beg a man to touch her. That's just pathetic- I'm sorry. And in another scene, Aimee Carter put, "We talked and laughed." WHAT DID YOU TALK ABOUT? I don't want to be told, I want it to be SHOWN to me. Sigh.

And the characters. I feel like the ancient god/modern god made the story so confusing. The family dynamics were so different and difficult to understand! I can't even explain how... Anyway, a lot of characters frustrated me! Including: Kate, Henry, Ava, James, Calliope, Walter, Ella, Theo, Persephone, Adonis, and more. That's pretty much all of them. I disliked all of the characters in this book because of their negative attitudes. It was annoying. I feel like characters are an important part of stories and if the characters (even the villains) aren't likable, then the story isn't enjoyable.

The writing was nice, although I wish it would get more descriptive! Also, I wish everything could... flow better. But definitely, the most fatal flaw has to be the lack of description.

Despite so many things lacking in this sequel, I did enjoy the story as a whole, not so much the characters and writing itself. :)