A review by gwendolyn_kensinger
Doomboy by Tony Sandoval


Doomboy by Tony Sandoval will be available for purchase later this month (October 28th). I was lucky enough to read an advance copy thanks to NetGalley. This is my first graphic book in a very long time, possibly forever. The story will touch your heart and the art will blow you away.

Doomboy is the story of a lonely, metal-obsessed teen who sends heartfelt songs to his dead girlfriend via a rigged broadcast station along the coast. His music travels beyond the make-shift broadcast station and is re-broadcast to the entire city. Only his best friend knows that he is really the mysterious rock god and anonymous legend known as "Doomboy."

While the book itself is quite short the story is funny and touching. There were times I would just stop and stare at various panels. The figures/characters were drawn slightly like caricatures and I loved it - big heads, exaggerated facial expressions. It contains violence, humor, teenage angst, bullies, and an awesome vomiting panel.

If you're a fan of great art, graphic novels, books, comics, etc. this is a must-have.

When reviewing a book of this sort (heavily graphic) I think it is important to consider the art & the story as part of my review along with the 5 basic story elements I usually use for my rating system. With that being said...

Art - 5 Story - 5 Characters - 4 Setting - 5 Plot - 5 Conflict/Purpose - 5 Resolution/Outcome - 5

I'm rating Doomboy 5/5 stars!