A review by bookswrotemystory
The Infinite by Lori M. Lee


*I was given an advanced copy of this title in exchange for an honest review*

I really enjoyed Gates of Thread and Stone and was eager to find out what else was in store for Kai and the world that she is a part of. And I have to say that I was fairly pleased with this second installment of the series. For me, the plot is overwhelmingly the strength of the second book. I loved where Lori took this story. It was such an interesting follow up to where the first story ended. My favorite part of the first book was the world building, which I found to be pretty unique amongst YA offerings that tend to borrow from each other without care. So I was thrilled to see how she took the groundwork laid in the first book and expanded upon it, bringing in more details and enriching an already fascinating world for her characters. It provided a fantastic backdrop to a plot that moved quickly and easily, pulling me in and leaving me eager to know what would happen next from chapter to chapter. And to say that I am eager for another book is without question. I can't wait to see what happens next in this series.

My only complaint is that I would have liked a bit more character development in certain parts. Kai's growth as a character continues to impress me. But I would have liked to see her doubts of Reev a bit more flushed out. They felt a bit like an after thought amid the more crucial plot points, which left the pay off in the end falling a bit flat for me. And the highs and lows with Avan felt a bit jerky and too sudden. I would have liked that aspect of the story to run a bit more smoothly as it is a fairly important plot point. Avan was one of my favorite parts of the first book, so his development in this installment was a bit disappointing. I hold out hope that his development in his new role will be addressed more clearly in the next book.

Overall, I would say that this is a strong follow up to the first book that leaves me eager for more from the series. I will continue to recommend this series to anyone who wants an enjoyable and unique fantasy series.