A review by lifeinthebooklane
Silent Captive by Addison Cain

ETA - I have removed my rating as this is yet another unfinished series by this author. I have enjoyed her work, but I can no longer support someone who repeatedly starts a series just to leave it unfinished.

This is Addison Cain's darkest work yet with only the tiniest glimmers of light that are quickly snuffed out

This book is only for those that enjoy a truly dark read - it's listed under horror (and not romance) for a reason. The sex, at best, is dubious in consent and at times is almost violent. Wren may be beaten down, she may be degraded, defeated and desperate but still she retains an inner strength. An inner strength that marks her as one of the toughest heroines I've read about. The story is pitch black virtually from the first line, in fact it was such a tough first couple of chapters that I did briefly wonder if I would be able to read it. Once started, though, I read it in one sitting, even if it had my emotions all over the place.

Caspian continues to ignore his instincts, which leads to him repeatedly hurting Wren both physically and emotionally. He's also a prime example of power corrupting the soul. Kieran showed some glimpses of why he is such an arse. I wouldn't go so far as to say I like him, but I certainly don't dislike him quite as much as I did at the end of Branded Captive. Toby was my favourite in Book #1 and I still like him best, though his idea of love is rather scary, not to mention dangerous!

There are the very occasional glimpses of a tiny bit of humanity in our three anti-heroes. Whether Ms Cain intends to redeem these characters and allow us to forgive them, I'm not sure. If only they could let go of their 'pack' notions and embrace their instincts there could be light at the end of the tunnel. They would still be violent, aggressive and possessive alpha-holes, but loving alpha-holes too.