A review by bibliotequeish
The Red Badge of Courage by Stephen Crane


An episode of the American Civil War

Henry Fleming is an eighteen year old private during the Civil War.
The red badge of courage refers to a battle wound, for Henry it is a symbol of masculinity and bravery.

Henry flees his first battle out of fear, when he returns to his regiment he witnesses his friends death. Ashamed Henry flees again wishing he had his "red badge of courage". Arguably he is wishing he had the courage to stay and fight, risking injury.

This book chronicles Henry's internal struggle between cowardice and courage, between fight and flight. Over the three days of this book Henry experiences, injury, the death of his comrades, and redemption.

We watch Henry grow into a brave soldier. Perhaps not the "romanticized" version of what he thought a brave soldier would be.
But the reality of what a brave soldier is after living through the war.