A review by labunnywtf
I'm Perfect, You're Doomed: Tales from a Jehovah's Witness Upbringing by Kyria Abrahams


The best part about reading this book was meeting up with the best friend Laura afterwards and confirming with her all the crazy shit the JWs believe in. I actually expected her to tell me these were exaggerations. I was horrified to find out that Kyria Abrahams is pretty much spot on with the insanity these people believe in.

This is a seriously hilarious book. It got dark towards the middle, but with an upbringing like she had, I would expect no less. And to be honest, my experience with "stumbled" JWs tells me this isn't all that uncommon!

Kyria writes with a wonderful sassy wit, and I can imagine how much fun she had putting these stories together into novel form. I don't have nearly this many great stories from a Catholic upbringing, but my family wasn't very good at it. These people were hardcore.

Despite the fact that she turned into a brat once the opportunity to get married came up (and after that), my heart really did hurt for her. She wasn't prepared properly for real life ("Fuck real life, we're going to live forever!"), and she kind of got bitch slapped with it.

The whole point of reading this book, though, is to get a peek at what the life of a JW is really like. I can't wait until Laura reads this and can tell me more clearly how much is accurate and if she left anything out.

Laura couldn't watch The Smurfs. She did go to huge JW conventions. Her family had a nice dinner sometime in November for no reason whatsoever. Voting for Obama was a huge thing for her, because she'd never saluted the flag before. And she would give "talks", though she wasn't allowed to do it by herself because she wasn't allowed to preach to the menfolk. Men are above women.

Jehovah's Witnesses make me want to sin. A lot. But then again, I'm wordly, so what do I know?