A review by r_j_setser
Live Your Best Life by Julia A. Royston

hopeful inspiring lighthearted fast-paced


Live Your Best Life by Julia Royston is a short, motivational book meant to encourage and provide some direction in how to navigate your best life. Her enthusiasm and cheerfulness is contagious and as you read, it’s easy to imagine her speaking to you with a smile on her face.

I love her passion for giving credit back to God for everything and for His guidance in her life’s decisions. I would have liked to see more scripture references for many of the “biblical” virtues that she mentioned, just because I’ve never heard some of them before and there were few scripture references to back up her claims.

However, this book is not meant to be a deep study into turning your life around, but rather a quick pick-me-up and motivational speech that points you in the direction of living the best version of life by choosing who’s on your team in life, walking in your passion, and keeping yourself focused. It took me roughly 30 minutes to read the entire book if that gives you a better idea of how brief each topic is touched on.

Overall, I enjoyed the motivational pep-talk this morning and really liked the way that Mrs. Royston wrote the book. It felt conversational and relatable. I give it 4 out of 5 stars.

I received this book for free from the author and was not required to write a review. All comments and opinions are entirely my own.