A review by lorien13
The Hidden Oracle by Rick Riordan


Oh man. When I heard about this book I knew I needed to own it and read it ASAP. So I bought it the day it came out (and then two other copies for my besties cuz one was getting a copy missing it's bookmark so the other got a copy to keep it fair. Except I got the letter and the bookmark but it's my money so there!)

Anywho, I knew I'd love it. It's Rick Riordan doing Percy Jackson, or at least that part of his universe. I adored Percy's two series, and Magnus Chase was PHENOMENAL so why would this be any different?

Oh it was great!

I always found Apollo to be annoying, but he's a Greek god, why wouldn't he be? A book from his point of view I thought would be annoying to the tee, and while it started that way, seeing him change, from immortal jerk-face to regular 16-year-old was impressive. I adored it. I teared up over his pains coming to the surface at least once. Learning all the pain he's brought on himself was really interesting. He really was human by the end, which was very awesome to read.

The chapter titles being haiku's were painful, especially at first. I found them as lame as Percy did the first time he heard them, but some were amusing, intriguing, or just funny. But most of the time they fell flat.

I think my favorite part came at the end, with the return of a certain character I've been dying to see more of since Blood of Olympus (we all cried foul at that one, so thank goodness they're back!).

This runs at the same time as Magnus Chase so you can read either one first, but if you wanna know where Annabeth is, read this after.

For sure this is a 5 out of 5 stars, maybe 90% (those haikus, man)