A review by jbmorgan86
Batman: Hush by Jeph Loeb


As great as The Dark Knight Returns and The Killing Joke are, this may be my favorite Batman graphic novel so far.

Quick Synopsis: Killer Croc kidnaps a child for a large ransom. While investigating, Batman's line is snapped and he nearly falls to his death. As Batman gets more involved in the mystery (and more involved with Catwoman!) he is forced to encounter all of his greatest foes.

First, the artwork is outstanding. The male heroes are all extremely buff and gritty, the females all look like super models, and the villains all look completely deranged (which is what you want in a comic book). Hush includes flashback scenes that are drawn in a different style that gives the effect that hazy or black and white sequences give to flashback scenes in movies.

Second, I love Batman / Bruce's inner-dialogue throughout the graphic novel. Bats, a man of few words, clues the reader in on what he is thinking and feeling. Batman is more vulnerable in this novel than anywhere else: he nearly dies in the beginning, he is still mourning the loss of Jason Todd, and he falls in love with Catwoman / Selina Kyle.

Finally, I love the huge cast of characters: Batman, Nightwing (Dick Grayson), Robin (Tim Drake), Superman, Catwoman, Huntress, Killer Croc, Joker, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, the Riddler, Two-Face, Ra's al-Ghul, Talia al-Ghul, Lex Luthor, Scarecrow, Clayface, and even a small cameo of the Penguin. Some reviewers criticize how the entire cast of villains shows up in every Batman graphic novel . . . but I think that's what makes it so fun. The Batman / Superman interactions were particularly enjoyable.

As for the mystery itself . . . it's somewhat predictable. But it's fun.