A review by mercyblue
The Fortune Quilt by Lani Diane Rich


Star rating: 3.5 - 4 stars

Carly has always known exactly what she wanted out of life. She has a career as a TV producer, a loving family and an amazing best friend. What she wasn't counting on was being given a fortune telling quilt that would end up turning her whole life upside down. First her best friend confesses his undying love for her, then her job goes belly up and to top it all off her mother who's been missing for the last 17 years, shows up on her doorstep asking for forgiveness. With everything in upheaval, Carly packs a bag and drives back to Bilby Arizona where all the craziness first started. But she's unprepared for what Bilby has in store for her.

What a cute, emotionally poignant novel. It drew me in almost immediately because of its cast of kooky characters. Carly is a likable protagonist, that goes through a roller coaster ride of emotions over the course of only a few chapters. It had me choking up alongside her and raging at her family for their decisions, just the way a well written novel should have you feeling. But my biggest complaint about this novel was that the magical realism in it was seriously lacking. You've received a psychics advice and while all the advice ends up coming true... It comes true in a seriously skewed manner. Honestly all that did was make me scratch my head and wonder what the author was thinking. So while this was a cute, quick and fun read it lacked direction where the magical realism was concerned.