A review by meandermind
How to Walk Away by Katherine Center


I’m all done with yet another great book.

So very glad I picked this as my Book of the Month a bit ago. I decided to take a break after reading the first book of a fantasy trilogy (The Cruel Prince by Holly Black) to read something completely different.

I’ve been reading solidly fantasy for the past half-year, so ‘realistic’ fiction gave me a break from the whirlwind of world building (which I love but occasionally need a step away from).

‘How to Walk Away’ was a warm embrace of a read. I found myself falling into an easy rhythm of understanding no matter how much I took reading breaks.

For those of us that read the summary, there is an immediate expectation of something awful happening. At the same time, there’s some genuinely funny inner monologues from the main character, Margaret, that keep us strapped in for whatever the following (almost sure to be extreme) story to come in the pages beyond is.

This is a comfort story if there ever was one. For those who don’t like predictable romances, this might not be the book for you. I consider this one as an easy break from what my reading has been composed of, and it’s lovely. The romance is clean and tasteful.

Katherine (the author) writes with a flow that translates easily into a beautiful story. I’m definitely interested in reading more titles by her.

This was a fun and relatively light read. Finding joy is all about perspective, and life is worth living as long as it’s a gift that we continue to have.

I’ve no idea which of the many books on my TBR shelf I’ll be reading next, but I’m confident that it’ll be a great one. Cheers to a new book journey taken and completed.