A review by belle_fiction
The Adventures of Superhero Girl by Faith Erin Hicks


New review - I am currently going through a lot of the books I read and reassessing their ratings as I feel I was far too generous with my 5 star ratings previously. This was a well-drawn collection of silly and cute occurrences but it wasn't anything more than that sadly.

Hahahahahahahaha! *wipes tears from eyes*

What a glorious graphic novel this is! If you're like me, and you love anything pretty silly and whimsical, and a little bit childish, you will LOVE this!!

We follow Superhero Girl on many adventures (mostly involving ninjas and the incredibly conceited King Ninja), on her uncertainties in life (needing to get a job which pays money so she can pay her half of the rent, the ethics behind being a superhero and what it's like to live in the shadows of a much more successful superhero older brother). We follow her when she's sick, when she doesn't feel like getting up and protecting her city because there are other things she could be doing instead.

Much like Hicks' other work (Friends with Boys), it's about girls interacting (or rather, finding it hard to interact) with boys, how she feels out of place at parties where she has to justify her reason for being a superhero (this is pretty funny but also thought-provoking).

There are lots of great sketches in this graphic novel which combines hilarious and cheesy scenarios alongside more pressing and real dilemmas which makes it all the more believable.

In my eyes, Hicks has always been able to create some pretty great and funny female protagonists and Superhero Girl is no exception. What's more, the illustrations and use of colour are beautiful and embodies the caped-crusader-feel that older comics possess.

A must-read for anyone who likes silliness, playful characters with their own stories to tell. Simply brilliant!