A review by sjj169
Reap by Tillie Cole


Going into this book I wasn't sure how I would like it. I did like the first book to this series Raze except for the female 'channel talk' was taking away from my sexy time enjoyment. Spoiler-she doesn't use that in this one! Hallelujah!!!
So I had a back up plan in place for this one.
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This story is the story of the brother of the guy that saved Luka's life in the first book. He had been taken by the same bad-guy as his brother and Luka/Raze, but he responds well to an experimental drug that makes him a killing machine. These Russian mafia prisons have a way of really putting a guy in a bad mood.
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The guy doesn't talk, bathe, do anything except what "the Master" tells him to do. And the Master wants him to kill.
The Master is an asshole.

Luka goes in and gets him out just as Luka's sister Talia is needing a break from the day old shit of being a Russian Bratva's bosses daughter. It's tiring watching all these guys trying to kill each other. So she heads off to the house in the Hamptons. Just happens to be where Luka is bringing the new guy. The new guy by the way is 221.
Once there Talia starts watching him through the house's security cameras.
She finally decides that he needs a bath.
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At this time I thought she might be off the deep end. I read lots of books where there is a stalker guy involved but this time I felt like Talia might be headed into stalker chick territory.
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She does go down to clean him up and manages..well I'll leave that to your imagination.
*insert me yelling stalker chick right here*

221 is pretty helpless as he is coming off the powerful drugs. He still knows that "master" is coming for him. Honestly, I kinda felt sorry for the guy. Yes, I know I'm acting like I have a heart. I must correct this immediately.
*flushes warm thoughts and concentrates on sexy times*
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He is a way bigger tiger than Raze/Luka was in the first book.
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Then, I don't know what the hell happened, but I started really liking this book.
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It weaves in Luka and Kisa's story and actually made me like them more than I did in the first book. Plus when Talia quit acting like "stalkers are us" I actually liked her story too. *my gawds I don't even know who I am anymore*
There is one question that confused me though...and I may be remembering wrong.
SpoilerDidn't Luka/Raze and Kisa have a baby already at the end of the first book?

In the end I'm recommending this one for smexy time loving readers.
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Booksource: Netgalley in exchange for review.

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I'm featuring my friend Suzanne's review in this one. She has some hawt sexy times gifs going there. I think I'm gonna go take a cold shower after that one.