A review by snood
It's Loose by Warner Lee, B.W. Battin


The back seemed to hint at this being more of a creature feature novel than it really is, but it’s still a bunch of fun.

After an action-packed prologue, we’re introduced to the the inhabitants of Ice Island, a small town off the coast of Michigan that’s cut off from the mainland several weeks a year. When I say “the inhabitants”, I mean ALL of them. I like to write down all the characters of books I read to keep track and I got up to 88 named characters... I doubt it would have been all that confusing without taking notes since a lot of them are unimportant, but that was a very tightly packed notecard I made.

Unexpectedly for a vintage horror novel, the gore was left fairly tame aside from a few major moments and the sexual content was nearly nonexistent. The horror largely focused around the paranoia of who would be the next one to be possessed and how the constable could defeat the demon/spirit without getting himself charged with murder.

I feel like Kesselring’s story was worth telling in longer form than the short summary we’re given. He also seems to disappear for a large chunk of the second act when he should have been hunting just as actively as the constable, if not even more so.

There were some slow moments and points where a character’s actions weren’t very smart, but it was still a very fun small town horror story (and finally one that has an ending instead of nonexistent sequel-bait).