A review by thegirlwholivedtoread
A People's Guide to Publishing: Build a Successful, Sustainable, Meaningful Book Business by Joe Biel


This is a great book for anyone who wants to get the gist of what it's like to be a part of a Publishing company, or even how to start up your own small press.

This can also be a great book for anyone teaching classes about Publishing. My teacher assigned this book to the class, and it really was just the best overview about publishing. There's info about all sides of the company: Editing books, finding books to publish, marketing, selling your books to stores, self-publishing, etc.

Even if you're just curious about how publishing works so that you can be publish a book, this has some great info about the process you'd be put through with a publisher. The best point that Biel makes about writing a book is.

It's a vast amount of information, that's conveyed without the dryness or boredom that can be brought on by textbooks. Despite holding a lot of information, it's not heavy or dense, and is very easy to understand.

It's light and fun with some great stories! Biel has a very distinct voice and you can tell that he really knows what he's talking about. I got to meet him last month, and he's a very nice person!

The one downside, I found, is that because Biel's publishing company exclusively publishes non-fiction, much of his information is catered towards that section. A lot of it, of course, is still relevant to fiction, but there are some things that just may not work for someone publishing fiction that would for non-fiction publishers.