A review by apagetoturn
Beneath by Maureen A. Miller


My actual rating is a 4.5.

Beneath was a book I chose to grab up and read as soon as I saw the cover and the tagline...

"An accident in the Atlantic Ocean. A fate no one could imagine."

Then, I read the blurb. I was hooked and HAD to know what would happen. Beneath is considered a young adult mystery and/or adventure. I like that definition. It leans on the side of almost fantasy/dystopian at some points just because it is sooooo different. Also, that cover is amazing! I would purchase this one on that alone.

I started this book yesterday morning (because I'm always behind on the ARC's I need to read), and I was hooked from the start. Chapter one literally dumps us right in the middle of the Atlanta Ocean - on a boat, at the start of what sounded like a pretty nasty storm. From there, so much happened that blew my mind, I didn't know what to think or believe. This book is so different from anything I've read before, and I've read a lot over the years.

I was able to be surprised, captured in the moments where these characters weren't sure if they would ever survive, or get out of their dire situation. There was so much going on, that I wasn't sure how easy it would be to follow, but since the book is written in third person, it helped me get a pretty rounded out view of everything, the character development and the science seemed to be there - although I am not sure if the science is all correct. That is not my forte.

I did find some moments between Colin and Stella to be a bit awkward and misplaced, but honestly, I am not sure I would act any better given their circumstances. I would of been doing all I can not to think about where we were as well. There was some light-hearted romance there, but nothing really resolved by the end. This is said to be first in the series though, so I look forward to what comes next. I still have so many questions.