A review by izzyvb023
Rouge by Mona Awad


I love Awad’s immersive writing style. I came to ‘Rouge’ having already read ‘Bunny’ and ‘All’s Well’ and I really enjoyed it!
I think if you liked those books and you liked the fever dreamy weird horrific elements, then you will like Rouge. But, I think if you read this without knowing her writing style or without the context that she has a tendency to delve into that strange familiar girly horror, you may not enjoy it as much. 
I would say that ‘Rouge’ is Snow White meets The Bacchae. It’s very fairytale-esque in a way that ‘Bunny’ and ‘All’s Well’ were not. But it’s culty and horrific as well. 

If Awad wants to write more weird scary girly fever dream horror, then I will certainly read it!