A review by wellington299
Die Broke: A Radical Four-Part Financial Plan by Mark Levine, Stephen Pollan


Four simple steps form the basis of this book::

1. Quit Today. This is probably my favorite chapter. Quitting means quitting a mentality. He strongly suggests that we think of our job as an income producing activity. It's not a place that you should expect spiritual fulfillment or to be fully respected/appreciated. We should think ourselves of free agents in the sports world jumping to whatever job increases their short or long-term pay. Thinking of jobs this way make it easier to tolerate.

2. Pay Cash. I got this one down and disagree. Using credit cards judiciously can be an asset. I have a 30 day no interest loan and usually get rebates from my credit card. Every year I get paid $100-$150 just for the convenience of using my credit card.

3. Don't Retire. We got in our heads that at 65, we are supposed to stop cold turkey and retire. Who says? We are still productive and could be consultants. Part-time working maybe? Or why stop at all? There are plenty of people who once they stopped working really stopping living.

4. Die Broke. This part wasn't written for me. Not yet.

The second part listed his quick thoughts on many financial questions. I am thankful for perhaps the first unbiased opinion on our confusing insurance options (house, auto, life, term, health, earthquake, floor, disability). He is also a big proponent of lease cars versus buying.