A review by 8797999
Fire Catcher by C.S. Quinn


I found this one a breeze to get through via whispersync and kindle.

A much more enjoyable story for the second outing of the series having moved on from the Plague to the Gret Fire of London. Very loosely based on real events with some real characters.

The plot was engaging and enjoyable albeit quite fantastical and with plenty of suspension of belief. As for historical accuracy a lot of leeway and creative license with the plot and situations.

I enjoy the characters except the mistresses of the King. Not fussed on their chapters but thankfully, not too many of those. Not that I care to know the King has a big dick either.

Not perfect by far but a much better read than the first book. I think I will finish the series. I have 3 days of Kindle Unlimited left, it is do-able at the speed I read. Wish me luck.