A review by stacevox
Dear NHS: 100 Stories to Say Thank You by Adam Kay


Aside from being for a wonderful cause, this book was very heartwarming. The book is a series of short anecdotes, messages, and poems dedicated to our beloved NHS from 100 famous people. If your eyes are rolling when I say famous people, just wait. What this book reveals is how much we in rely on the NHS, most of us are born in it, and most of us will die in it at the very least, and hearing that from the great and the good, rich and famous is a reminder that in the eyes of this wonderful institution and it’s workers, we are all the same. If this pandemic is not enough to stir up your love for the NHS, then this book might help, and together we can make sure than when we come through this we start to hold governments accountable for adequately funding and staffing the lifeblood of our country.