A review by jrobles76
Galileo's Middle Finger: Heretics, Activists, and the Search for Justice in Science by Alice Dreger


A great read that really draws you in to the drama behind activism and science, and when the two seem to disagree. I actually had read one of the books at the center of one of the controversies, and it is interesting how people will judge something they haven't read. This attests to the responsibility that leaders have to be honest. If you tell your followers or friends something, they will take your word for it. The author even admits that, since she saw many of these controversies from the outside, she also believed the "party line" as it were. I learned a few new things about ideas that I had just accepted. The hope of the author is that one day we will work together to discover truth, whether that truth is uncomfortable or not. Our beliefs should not stymie research just because the knowledge might force us to view the world differently.

This is a book that should be discussed in schools.