A review by kalarosereads
Becoming Rain by K.A. Tucker


This is the second book in the "Burying Water" series and I think I enjoyed this one even more than the first! We continue with Luke, who we met in the first book and get to know the character on a deeper level. In the first book he came off as a very shallow, selfish person. However his character goes through growth throughout this book, he is forced to face reality and even though it is the consequences of his own actions that lead him to rock bottom, at the end of the day he makes the right choices. We also meet "Rain" who goes undercover to investigate the car theft ring that Luke is involved in.

I absolutely love the undercover angle, reading the story from both Rain and Luke's POV is super interesting with this extra spin because we get to feel like a part of the investigation team, being sneaky and trying to piece together the case. Clearly this story took some liberties because some of Rain's actions clearly would not be permitted in a real life undercover situation, however, this is a novel wrote for entertainment and it also includes a love story, and the liberties that the author took make for a very compelling plot.

I wish that we got more of an explanation about the ending, as last we heard they could not be together if Rain was an FBI agent, since Luke was at one time her subject. There was a huge jump in time that was not mentioned to much and I felt like it ended a little abruptly. However that did not take away from the entire story for me, I could not put this book down and I was completely enthralled with all the shady characters, suspenseful plot and with trying to unravel the criminal plan.

Luke and Rain's love story was also very enjoyable, they were two people who would probably never have gotten together in "normal" circumstances, however when faced with difficult scenarios, they leaned on each other and learned to see beyond the exterior that they both put on for the world. I cannot wait to continue with this series!