A review by bridgett
The Democracy Fix: How to Win the Fight for Fair Rules, Fair Courts, and Fair Elections by Caroline Fredrickson


Despite this book having a lot of important (and deeply depressing) information, it’s a dense slog to get through. There are endless names and quotes that bog down the reading experience.

Fredrickson’s argument is that the Right has a comprehensive, no-holds-barred plan to hijack democracy in order to consolidate power in the hands of wealthy, white, and corporate America. She explores the many objectives and tactics of the Right in detail, giving names, dates, and demonstrates how each area of focus dovetails and reinforces the next.

She further argues that the Left is ineffectual in combatting that plan, largely because it is unwilling to abandon its white gloves and fight fire with fire.

I do like that she does not conflate Progressivism with the Democratic Party, recognizing that the Democrats will, at times, put their own interest over the interest of American people and a healthy democracy.

And I also liked that the final chapters provided a succinct, readable, and actionable road map for readers. However, I feel like there has to be alternative options that provide a better overall reading experience because I just can’t imagine recommending this to others.