A review by evanmc
Tomorrowland by Joseph Bates


This was a very enjoyable collection of stories. When at his best Joseph Bates channels the more cerebral and affecting episodes of Rod Serling's Twilight Zone. My favorite story of this collection was Tomorrowland, where Bates flexed his strongest muscle: his ability to describe apathy and despondency and to make you feel it right in your gut. That description of the Dad of the future, hunched over ont he edge of the bed in his space suit, literally made me well up inside.

The only story which didn't work, in my opinion, was the one about the boardwalk Elvis impersonator. It seemed to drag and never really turned a corner toward any type of meaningful conclusion.

Physically, this is a beautiful book. The matte cover and great layout (that spine looks just brilliant!) exude quality.

I'm looking forward to reading more of Bates' work, and would be curious what he could do in a novel format.