A review by lydialibrary
The Guest by B.A. Paris


First and foremost, thank you to NetGalley for this ARC/ALC copy!

I think there needs to be a new genre for this type of book. This is NOT a thriller, nor a suspense, and barely a mystery. I'd call this a slow burn Domestic Drama. Misrepresenting the genre of a book will only lead to disappointed readers and lower overall reviews, but I will not lay that blame on the author.

In any case, I thought The Guest was okay for what it was, and was planning on giving it a nice 4 stars...until the epilogue. The pacing was a little off throughout the story, but then we hit the end and it's like Paris had a deadline and was forced to write the final 50 pages under duress. Suddenly we were served the most egregious "tell didn't show" info dump I've ever read, and I was SO disappointed. I love twists in the epilogue, but when so little interesting happens in the book proper, and you are then *told* everything exciting in the last few pages it leaves you deflated. Such a shame, because I'm a fan of BA Paris' other works.

I wanted to love this, but I didn't and i'm sorry :/