A review by ryann2011
Archer's Voice, by Mia Sheridan


Powerful, sexy, heart wrenching and just plain lovely

Archers Voice follows Archer Hale, a reclusive man with a traumatic past and Bree Prescott, a woman running from her own demons. And when they meet, magic happens instantly. These 2 broken people find a way to put each other back together again.

“Light shines brightest out of those with the most cracks”

They are both charmingly awkward. Their friendship and relationship is effortless and sexy as hell. Archer Hale is my new favorite book boyfriend! The more the story unfolds the more engulfed you become in the backstories that led each told them to where they are.

There were so many tears: happy tears, shocked tears, tears of triumph and moments when I wanted to scream. I felt it all! With each chapter there was more and more spice and then suddenly you’ve found yourself experiencing these moments of awe and wonder. There was nothing this book didn’t give you.

These 2 were made for each other and this love story was absolutely beautiful to watch unfold. I recommend this to anyone who wants to feel every feeling on the spectrum, believes that love conquers all and that trauma is survivable.

“Not all acts of courage are easy to see for the outside”

Look i don’t want to tell you how to love your life but stop whatever you’re doing and read this book, like now. If you don’t enjoy the hell out of it you can hold me personally responsible