A review by rena219
Ready Player One by Ernest Cline


Summary of this book in one image:

Suffice to say, I personally didn’t like Ready Player One. I’ve heard both good and bad things about it and decided to give the benefit of the doubt and give it a read (well. Listen. I love audiobooks).

Minor spoilers below.

In the very beginning of the book Wade says something along the lines that all the books and movies get his story wrong so he was going to tell it. And that’s exactly what he did: Tell. No showing. The book felt like when a friend comes up to you to recount a story and they laugh at all the parts they perceived as funny and good but those parts fall flat on a retelling. One of those “You just had to be there” stories. Any suspense and drama was lacking since you already know he wins in the end and any challenge he comes across is solved pretty easily (eg: played Joust and other important video games a bunch previously; Just happens to know the two selected 80’s movies out of HUNDREDS word by word; Last game conveniently has a cheat that Art3mis knows about and Wade could achieve on his first try; etc) Sure all the references were fun but it didn’t stop the overall book from being kind of boring to get through.