A review by fictionophile
Christmas in Killarney by S. Furlong-Bolliger, Susan Furlong


A short, short story that will leave you gob-smacked!

It is almost Christmas in Hackensack, New Jersey. Maureen’s life is on a downward spiral… Her husband, Bob has lost his job due to ‘downsizing’ and he now sits around their flat in his underwear, watching daytime television. He blames his boss, Arnie Schlottenstein for his present circumstances. To make ends meet, she works as a chambermaid for a local hotel.

When she arrives at the hotel for her daily shift, the loudspeaker is playing Bing Crosby’s “Christmas in Killarney”. It is a catchy tune, and she finds that it repeats over and over in her mind – an ‘earworm’. Only instead of Killarney, she thinks ‘Kill Arnie’, cursing her husband’s ex-boss with every repetition. As far as she is concerned Arnie has ruined her marriage and her life. Maureen’s menial job has literally driven her to drink. She carries a water-bottle around with her all day at work – constantly sipping at the vodka it contains.

Well…. you thought Maureen’s life was on a downward spiral before. Wait until you read this short story and find out what happens after Maureen receives a phone call from Bob!

A short, short Christmas themed crime thriller. Just a few pages, but it packed a big punch! Great!